Kavasakalis Agelos
Department of Education and Social Work Sciences
University Of Patras
Rio 265 04
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Angelos Kavasakalis is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education and Social Work with the subject: “Lifelong Learning Policies”. His main field of research is the analysis and interpretation of the processes of production and implementation of European lifelong learning policies as well as the processes of their transformation at national and sub-national level within the modern internationalized environment. He has been teaching at the University of Patras since the academic year 2016-17. In the PPS of the Department he teaches the courses: “Lifelong Learning Policies”, “Social Policy Networks” and “Comparative Education”. He is a Coordinator in the Thematic Unit: “Quality Assurance in Higher Education”. He is a member of SEP in EAP from the academic year 2017-18 and has taught the Thematic Units: “Management of Educational Units” and “Management of Educational Units – Educational Leadership”. He has supervised (as a supervisor or co-supervisor), until August 2021, 45 postgraduate theses. He has worked as a teacher in Secondary education for 22 years. In 2013-15 he was an external research associate at the Authority for Quality Assurance and Certification in Higher Education. He has participated in research projects and 46 publications in Greek, English and French. Indicatively 3 recent publications: (i) Stamelos G., Kiprianos P., Evangelakou P., Kavasakalis A. (2021). Comprendre et prévenir l’abandon etudiant, La Recherche en Éducation, No 22, 23-32. (ii) Kavasakalis A., Tzima M. (2020). Erasmus + and Vocational Secondary Education: Analyzing Participating Students ’Views. A Case Study of Students ’Mobility in the Prefecture of Preveza, Greece. Journal of Education and Training, vol.7, (2): 36-62, ISSN 2330-9709. (iii) Vassilopoulos A, Kavasakalis A., Stamelos G. (2020). The Integration of LLL into Higher Education: Non-formal Learning Services Delivery into the Greek HEIs. Academia, No. (18): 224-242. ISSN, 2241-1402.