Panagopoulos Alkiviadis
Position : Professor
Department of Tourism Administration
University of Patras
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Professor at the Department of Tourism Management of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Patras with the subject: “Computational methods and forecasting models with emphasis on intelligent tourism systems”. President of the Department of Tourism Administration of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Patras (1/9 / 2021-31 / 8/2023) Degree in Physics from the Department of Physics of the University of Patras, 1984. Doctorate from the Department of Physics of the University of Patras. 1991. Has independent teaching in the subjects: Business Statistics, Mathematics of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Information Systems for Tourism Enterprises, Quantitative Methods, Databases, Electronic Business in the Tourism Industry, Methodology and Research Techniques in Tourism.
His research interests focus on the scientific areas: Development and use of computational methods for forecasting statistical data with applications in Tourism, Development and use of thoughtful models for forecasting tourist sizes, Intelligent Information Systems in Tourism, Models for evaluating tourist websites – Computational Accounting of the behavior of dynamic systems described by differential equations.